Faith-based Internal Family Systems Practitioner

Welcome to my website!

    My work focuses on using the Internal Family Systems model for healing. IFS is an evidence based model of psychotherapy.  It is used all over the world and it is growing. Therapists, psychologists, and health care professionals are lining up by the 1,000s to be trained in this gentle, effective modality. IFS is non-pathologizing. Meaning, we see each person and the behaviors they manifest as parts communicating, not something that needs to be stopped or shut down.  We see parts as having a message and inherent wisdom for the entire system.  In IFS there are no bad parts! All have a positive intent for us! 
   Clients tend to pick up quickly on this model using terms many of us already use. It is gentle and compassionate yet very effective.  Individuals soon discover parts they never knew or appreciated before.  It is the best way many people have found to heal attachment wounds, addictions, trauma, unwanted behaviors and just about anything else.  You will become your own best friend and healthy attachment figure.   Healing the wounded parts inside, makes way for Your true Self to show up.  As you do your own work inside, you will find yourself naturally doing and living according to your true values and nature without having to work so hard.  You will find yourself being kinder and gentler to yourself and others as well as feeling a clearer connection to God.                                                                                                                          
I invite you to look deeply to your True Self and to God.  My ultimate wish is for  you to connect to the guidance, healing and wisdom that already lies within you.  Are you ready to consciously and intentionally co-create your most courageous, purposeful and Self-led life?  If you choose me to be one of your guides, I want you to know I’m a fearless role model—my life is dedicated to my own Self-transformation and my relationship with God.  I live what I teach.  To learn more about me hover your mouse on the ‘ABOUT’ tab or click the following links: about me, my faith, training, story and spirituality. To learn more about IFS click here.

My First PodCast Interview!

With Bonnie Randal, as host of “Come Off Conquerer”, an amazing community of women seeking support and healing from trauma and abuse.