What is IFS?

   Internal Family Systems Therapy is a cutting-edge approach to inner awareness, healing, truth and wisdom.  This model is based on two key ideas: 
1.  Each person has parts or sub-personalities. These different parts do not always agree or get along peacefully with each other. They can experience the full range of emotions, including anger, regret, shame, sadness, rage, fear, etc. Parts can be angry at, afraid of, or even shame each other.  IFS subscribes to a non-pathologizing mentality. Instead of being tagged with a diagnosis or a disorder, the behaviors or symptoms are merely seen as a constellation of different parts.  These parts have been activated and have taken on extreme roles for reasons that are explored and understood in a way that is transformational.  Have you ever had a conversation in your head that sounds something like this?
“I should really go for a run and burn off all that chocolate cake I ate last night..."  But then you also hear yourself saying,  ..."but I’m so tired and I’ve worked hard this week.  I deserve a break, so I really should just stay home and watch Netflix for a ‘few hours’...”                                  
This would be a prime example of parts disagreeing with each other.  This idea of parts is intuitive using terminology that most of us already use. It helps people find clarity about that is going on inside of them.  When parts disagree, it can feel like a whole lot is going on inside your mind and you can’t settle it down enough to think clearly.
2.  Each person has a Self, also referred to as the ‘true Self’. The Self cannot be broken or damaged.  This is your core Self.  This is that feeling inside of calmness, curiosity, confidence, clarity, pure insight, courage and unconditional positive regard for yourself and others!  The Self has no agenda and is often described as the ‘healing powerhouse of the system’.  It is separate from the various parts.  I often describe the Self as having the ‘pure love of Christ’ toward all parts, no matter how extreme or negative they may seem. Just as Christ loves all of us with an undying love, so the Self loves all parts as they are.  It regards the parts with curiosity and acceptance. It does not need them to change to be accepted.

So why IFS?  Through the Internal Family Systems model, clients experience an immense amount of healing. The official IFS Institute websites defines the main goal of IFS: "There are no "bad" parts, and the goal of therapy [mentoring] is not to eliminate parts but instead to help them find their non-extreme roles." The capacity to overcome adversity and heal (no matter what the circumstances are) is incredible. As we heal the wounds that inhibit our happiness and peace on the inside of us, we can simultaneously heal how we relate to others on the outside.  By loving and healing our own parts, we can then extend that same love to others on the outside. 
IFS is now listed on the NREPP.SAMHSA.GOV website (National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices) as an evidence based model.   Here is an article for showing its efficacy and research into reducing PTSD Symptoms in a sample of patients with complex trauma. Here is an article about a pilot study looking into the effectiveness of IFS Therapy for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among Survivors of Multiple Childhood Trauma.  For more information about Internal Family Systems, visit www.ifs-institute.com or here.  And here Richard Schwartz describes the transcending experience of Self energy. 
Below is an overview given by Richard Schwartz the founder of the IFS model.